About Us
Spend some time to get to know about our history, our diverse neighbors, and the Toledo and Northwest Ohio region a little bit better.
The Vistula Management Company (VMC) was founded by William Hirt and John Kiely in 1979 to provide high quality development, construction, and management services for multi-family housing. It has developed projects in Indiana and Toledo, Ohio.
Our History
In conjunction with its subsidiary corporations and partnerships, VMC has developed over 1,000 housing units during the past 30 years with a total development cost exceeding $100 million dollars. The company has successfully rehabilitated 80 historic structures in North Toledo since 1980. "Westminster Row", located at Superior and Locust Streets, received the coveted "Preservation Honor Award" in 1987 from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, in Washington, DC.
The primary mission of Vistula Management Company is to plan, develop and manage quality housing for families, elderly, and handicapped persons. The Company manages approximately 1900 units made up of both multi-family and single family housing within 24 projects throughout Ohio and has extensive experience in the operation and maintenance of many different types of properties, some of which are directly related to or receive support from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The Company employs an experienced staff to maintain the properties, relate to and deal with residents and HUD, and provides owners with information and reports concerning addressing resident concerns, financial information, and the physical condition of the properties.
The Toledo Area
Located on the Western edge of Lake Erie, Toledo is a thriving port city. The larger Toledo/Fremont/Northwest Ohio Metropolitan area has a population of approximately 1 million residents. The city of Toledo consists of approximately 30 neighborhoods with a downtown area located along the banks of the Maumee River. The city is home to a world-class museum of fine art, zoological gardens, botanical gardens, an award-winning baseball stadium in The Warehouse District, and a downtown sports arena.
Use the links below to help find and navigate important and useful resources.
Health & Welfare
Mercy Health ServicesRed Cross
Catholic Charities
Toledo Animal Shelter
Animal Emergency Care
City & Services
City of Toledo Services Dir.Jobs & Family Services
Toledo Edison
Columbia Gas
Buckeye Telesystem
Education & The Arts
Toledo Public SchoolsToledo Zoo
Toledo Museum of Art
TARTA Bus LinesBlack & White Cab
Greyhound Bus Lines