South Toledo 4

817 N. Michigan 21, Toledo, OH 43604 (419) 246-0832 View Map

South Toledo Homes

South Toledo Homes is a scattered site property offering several different options for residents, The units are all air-conditioned and cable is available, but not provided.

Property Locations:

  • 239-245 Eastern Ave.
  • 235-249 Segur St.
  • 812-814 Erie St.
  • 837 Western Ave.
2, 3, 4Bedrooms
IB Income Based
FM Family

Property Features

Air Conditioning

This property features central air conditioning.

Cable Available

All units are cable ready, cable not included with rent.

Off Street Parking

This property has private, off street parking.

TARTA Bus Route

This property is served by the TARTA Bus.

24-Hour Emergency Maintenance

This property has 24-hour emergency maintenance.

Utilities Included

All utilities are included in rent at this property.

What Our Residents Say:

I love everything, the people, building, and the upcoming new upgrades. I have been here awhile and I'm not going anywhere.
M. M.
Resident since 1998
South Toledo 4
South Toledo 2
South Toledo 1
South Toledo 3